Do you experience obsessive food thoughts even if you are not overweight? Are you always thinking about food? Then we can help you with not thinking about food all the time!

A fact is that it is not only people with weight problems that think about eating all the time. Maybe you eat a meal and already start to plan what to eat next!

Sometimes when preparing a meal, you mentally review your shopping list ahead! The truth is that 20% of people on a healthy weight think about food all the time.

According to the U.S Food and Drug Administration, behaviors like the loss of control, lack of feeling satisfied, and obsession with food is an issue that many deal with and lead to hyper-eating.

So how do you stop thinking about eating food and how do you follow a healthy diet while maintaining an average weight and eliminating sugar cravings?

First, you need to stop your yo-yo diet and stop cutting down on too many calories and carbs to start with. However, you first need to know the difference between hunger and obsession.
What is Hunger?

Only you know when you are hungry as it is a natural trigger letting your body knows that it needs calories. But why are you always hungry and thinking about food?

A fact is that your emotions are linked to food, especially comfort food. Thinking about your favorite childhood meal brings you peace of mind.

Therefore, your brain gets a whiff-memory of what makes you happy. With this in mind, the best way is to keep your hands busy with eating to help remove the feeling of anxiety.

Does that sound familiar? It does! So instead of eating, keep your hands busy by doing arts and crafts, reading, doodling, or any other form of creativity.
The impact of advertising
Another fact is that even watching TV presents you with tantalizing food from films to commercials. Therefore, once you leave home, you are met with fast food shops around every corner.

However, it does not end here. You even have vending machines at the office with billboards of food displayed wherever you go.

Even if you have kicked your sugar habit and eat healthily, you can still become a foodie-thinker and remain hungry. Stop these thoughts now.

Yes, we know getting the pink elephant out of the head is not easy, but it is possible. Once you realize that food keeps popping up, take notice of it.

You can even write it down to make your mind aware of it. Once written down, let it goes and replaces it with a different thought.

However, if the hunger persists and you want to keep the weight down, dump the junk food, and replace it with something healthy instead.

Replace these foods with high-fiber menus made up of grains, fresh veggies, fruits, beans, and stuff that is more plant-based.
Time to re-wire your brain and thoughts!

Once you can recognize your triggers, you can deal with the negative thoughts and replace them with new ones. Here are some tips you can follow:
Take a walk
Get your mind out of the kitchen and walk outside or go for a jog. Doing exercise is a great way to curb food cravings and helps stem boredom at the same time related to eating.
Read a Book
Change your scenery and go to the park or sit in the back garden reading a book. The fresh air will do you good, and reading takes your mind off food.
Listen to music or a podcast
For motivation, listen to a podcast or take the time to relax with your favorite tunes. As you listen to your mind drifts away from thinking about food all the time.
Talk to family or friends
Another great way to remove negative thoughts, whether you are craving for food or need a smoke, is to call a family or friend for a chat. Do some catching up with loved ones. You can even take a relaxing bath or does a face mask to give yourself time to unwind. You will quickly notice your mind shifting away from eating a snack.
Do some meditation
The best way to relax is to get a quiet spot and meditate with yoga or do facial, relaxing exercises. You can make your vision to different places surrounding you and concentrate on one spot. Furthermore, you can take up yoga classes to stretch your body and relax the muscles and a great way to help remove food thoughts from the mind.

Do something fancy for you!
Depending on your skills, you can improve your painting, trim your beard, coordinated outfits in the cupboard, or go for a new hairdo. Take the time to pamper yourself and concentrate on something different except food.
Other Ways to Remove Your Mind of Food
While the above tips are great to help you stop thinking of food, you can also do the following:
Go through the fridge and get rid of food that is going bad. Fix your cabinet and clean up the wardrobe in your home, causing added tension. Update your resume as it will help you to ignore the snack stash. Partake in an online course such as a nutrition course to help you eat healthily and responsibly. Start a journal to rant about your anxiety or documenting your day. Start to portion out the snacks with a time you can enjoy them. Keep your body hydrated, as filling your belly with water makes you full. Works on sleeping well as a negative sleep cycle can lead to food obsession as well. Try a new recipe that is healthy if you are starving. Replace unhealthy foods with healthy ones.

These are a couple of things you can do to stop your mind from thinking of food all the time. The important thing is to think about how you feel later.

Try to add more fats to your diet as it helps curb the urge to eat pizza. Once the voice in your mind creeps up on you, check the clock and try not to reach for the sugar fix at four am in the morning.

Lastly, ask yourself, are you starving to eat a plate of broccoli instead of what you are craving for. If you answer no, then you know it is only craving and will pass.

By visualizing and reaching your goals from eating healthy to becoming fit and holding to them, you can remove the thoughts of eating food all the time.

So take a break and never deprive yourself of having a cheat day once in a week as rewards are essential but do it in moderation.

Check out:
How To Stay Healthy How To Lose Weight For Men
The post How to Stop Your Mind from Thinking about Food All the Time appeared first on The Genius Review.
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