How to Create a Chic, Elegant Home Office

Whether you’re working from home because you have to be or you choose to be, you need an elegant home office space that makes you feel productive, excited to get to work, and glamorous. After all, working from home doesn’t have to mean sitting at the kitchen island in your leggings. Instead, think of what makes you feel chic, inspirational, and full of possibility.

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Add Elegant Pops of Personality

Your home office should be a reflection of your personality and tastes. It should also allow you to focus, distraction-free. I prefer a clean office that has elegant touches. My office is bright, with colors in the creamy neutral family. Of course, I had to add gold accents throughout. I love gold and use it wherever I can! It makes my office space feel elegant and is very representative of my tastes.

Find out whatever “gold” is for you, whether it’s a particular pattern or bold pop of color. Incorporate it into your home office to give it personality so you can feel like yourself.

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elegant home office

Keep It Clean (in your Office)

Every productivity expert out there will tell you it’s hard to focus in the middle of chaos! Clutter-free working is a must in my office and I know the same goes for you. Keep your office clean with plenty of storage.

Personally, I love drawers. You can sweep everything in the drawer and tuck the mess away! More realistically, you can (and I’d venture to say should) purchase dividers and keep your drawers organized so you know where everything is in your home office without stress or worry.

Whether you prefer drawers, file boxes, or shelf dividers, find a storage system that works for you. You’ll have an elegant home office that lets you focus on work, not on the papers you should be filing away.

design trends

Layer in Comfort for an Elegant Home Office

When you’re working from home all day, you have the ability to work in comfort. For some, that could be in the aforementioned leggings. I prefer to wear something more structured (I feel more productive and chic that way!) and keep the comfort in the design of the office.

Purchase a comfortable chair that you can curl up in. It’ll be great for reading or doing some writing. Add a cozy blanket and pillow to bring softness to your design. This is a great place to incorporate those personality pops!

Another comfortable must for me is a rug! Not only does it tie the room together, it softens the space. You’ll feel like you’re working from a glamorous location (a working vacation in Paris maybe!), not like you’re back in a cold cubical.

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The Home I Create

Bring the Outdoors Into your Office

I love adding plants wherever I can. Live plants, especially, if you’re able to. Plants make an office (or any room) feel instantly more grounded. It also says, “Hello, I am responsible enough to care for plants.” Flowers are another great live add-in to your elegant home office.


Use Color Psychology

I’m a huge fan of color psychology. It’s just fascinating to me that colors can evoke feelings without us even being aware of it happening. Decide what you want to feel in your home office (elegant? productive? creative?) and furnish your space with colors that evoke those feelings.

Green is calming and also signifies abundance. Sunny yellow is a great mood-booster. Blue is soothing and stable. Red is all about action.

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Make a Small Statement

If you don’t have the space to have a separate room dedicated to your office, you can still use these tips. Select a spot in your home to create a dedicated office space for yourself. Find a small-scale desk you love and build a home office corner full of personality. Anchor the space with a rug, pop a throw over your chair to make it more comfortable, and stick a plant on your desk. Find a rolling file cabinet you can tuck under your desk when the day is done and you’re set!

Having an area to work in every day will help you to feel more productive and focused on work when you should be – and less likely to turn on the TV when you shouldn’t.

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See the Light in your Life (and Home Office)

Lighting is so important. Stop squinting at your computer, your papers, your watch to see when that Zoom meeting will be over. And invest in some lighting! I love a statement chandelier, but I also wouldn’t be upset if you just added floor lights and, of course, task lights on your desk.

The idea is to make your space bright and inviting – and also so you can see while you work! Feeling like you’re in a cave all day does not sound chic. Elegant home offices always have plenty of lighting.

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Working in a space that feels like you is the best way to make sure you have a productive day. It’s also a great way to ensure that you’re excited to sit down each morning and get to work!

Having an elegant home office will make you feel in charge of your work and your life. Whether you have an entire room or a corner or you’re decorating an office space for a few people in your home to work collaboratively together, follow these tips to create a chic and focused home office.


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