Kitchen Inspiration
The next two pictures are the new kitchen in the condo we are purchasing. I have a vision for this kitchen. Cross between farmhouse and cottage chic.
It is going to be a shame to have this old vintage stove taken away. It is pristine on the inside. I do not think this lady used it much over the years. I almost thought of keeping it because of how beautifully clean and new it was for such an old piece. It will be going for a new range to take its place. All the upper cabinets will be coming down.
After taking down the upper cabinets I will paint the bottom cabinets and add new hardware. After the upper cabinets are down Terry and I will shiplap the walls. Then new open shelves and decor pieces will be added to the shiplap walls. That ceiling fan will be going too! Where she has her table and chairs right now is a short wall and longer wall you cannot see in this pic. I will be putting in new fun things in this corner. More cabinet storage space and maybe a fun coffee bar. Still thinking this through. I need to get in there to really get a feel for what I want in that space.
All of the next pictures are inspiration pics off of Pinterest. I want open shelves but with corbels. I ordered four sets of corbels and are waiting on those to arrive.
Liz Marie has open white shelves with white corbels in her pretty farmhouse kitchen.
I hope to achieve a look close to these open shelves with corbels. My corbels are more solid white and not chippy. I do like the white corbels with the natural wood.
I cannot wait to close on the new place and start the re love of this place into Junk Chic Cottage #5.
It is fun to go on IG and pinterest to find great inspiration.
Have a great rest of the week.
#ChippyWhite #Corbels #Inspiration #OpenShelves